Hashavas Aveidah Mission
This website was created L’sheim Shamayim (for the sake of Heaven) by individuals whose sole desire is to help Klal Yisrael (the Jewish Nation). Hashavas Aveidah is a mitzvah that can connect all segments of the Jewish nation and we hope that Jews from all communities will be involved.
In our modern affluent culture, common appreciation for possessions and thoughtfulness for others are two areas that have room for growth.
The mission of this project is to be a platform for the fulfillment of the mitzvah of Hashavas Aveidah and to be a source of education for the laws and values that come with it.
Our sincere hope is that this site will enable people around the world to efficiently fulfill the mitzvah of Hashavas Aveidah, to better appreciate the gifts that were bestowed upon them, to think more often of others around them and to bring joy to one another.